3) Hummus from scratch (chick peas, garlic, extra virgin olive oil, kosher salt, pepper, tahini). Another hit.
afterwards (sorry Dad!) (sorry NY Times Style Guide!).
Be Mine! (Acoustic)
Eversure & evergood unwind
'tween the perspirations
& intersections
& lying disrobed, legs elevated
my body, an "L"
segmented, not awkward
ninety degrees of innocuousness
fine'ly letting go things once perseverated
the cats sense the longing
& indulge in their prickling
you shift your glance toward
I'm cradling my timeworn relic
ancient in its newness
but the dust beseems
and remains --
your relic, so recently
shines & pulses
like a discarded placenta
They neverwere & neverwill be mine
[ jh ]
Fire Bomb
It's not the ululations of this
swollen pumping mess
that concern me anymore,
nor the uncertainty of a spark
nor dream's banality
but this warm blood coddling me
crashing through tissue flaps --
these sanguine apertures
oxygen again flowing,
ebbing toward an inner shore
where once there stood a you
i'm alien, no longer frozen,
burning through a helluva memento
and i don't even own a microwave anymore.
[ jh ]